Till today i thought i was lucky enough to be the youth of bhutan but as a student I personally feel that opportunity that enhance us has been tearing us right apart in the television. These days nothing pleases me to probe the show “super spellers” in bbs. The fact that bbs are coming up with so many new programs these days, we the students of different schools of Bhutan are left out; except that of thimphu. every time there is a program lets say an awarness program its always THIMPHU!
I don’t know whether this issue is to be blamed directly or indirectly to bbs or the education sector. I hope to know that this issue shall not be muddled. We do know the that fact that thimphu is given a little more nourishment then the other dzongkhags, Thus ultimately the talented youth are too. This is the fact that we don’t mind in accepting the fact but we cannot defy the fact that we the youth are left behind. The only question I have is 'what is their biggest obstacle in giving opportunity's to the youth'?